At 十大体育外围平台排名 we believe there are many different modes to learning, 我们致力于通过为学生和教师提供独特而多样的沉浸式学习机会来促进参与型学习者. GA体验(GAXP) 由于一位匿名捐赠者的慷慨捐赠,于2017年和2018年进行了试点,并免费提供给高年级学生.
抓住学生的兴趣,鼓励他们更深入地学习,以一种有意义的方式将体育外围app网站和世界联系起来, two to four trips are designed each year in educational strands of service learning, 自然, 艺术. The strands are planned for 12-18 students each, 性别和年龄平衡, 每次旅行两名教员. To be considered for this exceptional 程序, students must apply and share in writing why they hope to participate.
One of the inaugural XP 程序s “Philadelphia’s Mural Art,” explored various neighborhoods and their unique collection of murals; engaged with and learned from Philadelphia’s artists, journeyed through Isaiah Zagar’s Magic Gardens; worked on an established Philadelphia mural project; and then developed a mural for our GA community – all in one week! 除了艺术, GAXP trips have immersed participants into the world of music, 徒步旅行, 白水漂流,
农业经济, working alongside other volunteers at a Habitat for Humanity site in Taos, 新墨西哥, and assisting with disaster relief in New Orleans and Puerto Rico.
“能够帮助有需要的人, 了解新奥尔良, 并在短短几天内体验新奥尔良的文化,这一切都是不可思议的,也是一生难得一次的. It was a rewarding experience that I hope everyone gets the chance to do someday.——奥特姆·伯吉斯《21